While no amount of money can truly make up for a debilitating injury or loss of a loved one, the attorneys from Shaw & Shaw, P.C. serve your interests with the best possible representation, and strive to protect future consumers from the same risk.  As a product liability lawyer, we fight for you at this stressful time, assisting you in the pursuit of justice and the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Have confidence in our product liability services!

When you buy a product, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether that product is safe.  Big companies have a responsibility to protect consumers from defects in design and manufacturing.  When you are injured or caused property damage by a flawed product, trust the attorneys from Shaw & Shaw, P.C. to handle your case with dedication, personalized attention, and professionalism.

Product liability law encompasses a wide range and variety of claims.  These cases are complex, with unique features and procedures, and you need an attorney with experience, understanding, and focus.  While the exact compensation available to you is influenced by the circumstances of your claim, we can normally pursue damages for medical bills, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, pain and suffering, and funeral expenses.

When defective products cause you harm, contact the attorneys at Shaw & Shaw, P.C.!

A poorly designed or malfunctioning product can put you at risk of serious injury or damage to your home or property.  Manufacturers have a legal obligation to accept responsibility for their products.  You have the right to compensation for suffering caused by defective products.  Over our years of service Shaw & Shaw, P.C. has represented consumers who have suffered injuries by defective products both at home and in the workplace.  We not only serve your best interests, but the safety of others as well, and work diligently to achieve substantial recoveries on the behalf of our clients.